Storytelling Workshop LCS Philosophy Emotional Literacy
With an engaging and participatory style, children are held spellbound and utterly engaged during story sessions on themes (Animals, Africa, Creation stories, Dragons, Welsh fairy tales etc.) that are decided on by you before the visit.
A whole day visit consists of 4 hours of storytelling which can be divided to best meet the needs of your school.
Visits can be designed to include workshops, see below.
Phil facilitates workshops in essential storytelling skills: learning and remembering a story; making a story your own and basic performance techniques. An initial workshop session culminates in all pupils experiencing the thrill of telling a story to at least one other in the group. Workshops can also focus on telling into writing activities and can feature both fiction or non-fiction text types.
Lead Creative Schools & Cynefin
Lead Creative Schools is a Welsh Government/Arts Council Wales initiative aimed a putting creativity at the heart of the new Welsh curriculum. In 2015, the first year of the project, I was the teacher, the coordinator & a creative practitioner in my own school. Since then, I have been involved in numerous project in primary & secondary settings as a storyteller working solo & in collaboration with other practitioners.
This year, I have been a practitioner in a new initiative, Cynefin: Black Asian and Minority ethnic Wales. From 2022 it becomes mandatory that every learner in Wales will have the opportunity to explore the contributions of Black, Asian and Minority ethnic individuals and communities, past and present. Below is a link to the first project I co-facilitated with the class teacher:
I initially trained in the Philosophy for Children or P4C method but more recently attended a two day course run by The Philosophy Foundation because I wanted to focus on using folktales as a stimulus.
Due to this, I now use a closed question/open question approach. This allows the concept under discussion to be present and transparent from the outset, whereas in the P4C method much of the focus is on question creation.
This new approach means that philosophy sessions can be used to discuss concepts in a story that might be relevant in other areas of learning, as well as allowing stories to be chosen because teachers wish to discuss particular concepts.
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Emotional Literacy Skills for Well-being & Life
Storytelling promotes well-being. It does this because engaging with story helps to develop social & emotional skills in children.
Recognising this, in collaboration with Clinical Psychologist, Dr Steve Killick, we are offering a New Programme to address the needs of pupils and staff.
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